Title: “Dependable Internet of Things for Safety-Critical Applications”


  • Abstract: Wireless networked embedded systems are increasingly used for safety-critical applications such as smart production or networked cars, where failures may have severe impact. Therefore, strict dependability requirements have to be met. This is difficult to achieve, however, as these applications often operate in harsh environments or are exposed to attacks. Moreover, a system is only as dependable as its weakest part, so all relevant aspects of an IoT system have to be dependable. In this talk, I present recent research results that increase the dependability of relevant aspects of the IoT. Specifically, we present a single-anchor approach to robust and accurate localization using Ultra-Wide-Band radios, an approach to automatically learn models of protocols used in the IoT in order to formally verify their correct implementation and interoperability, as well as how to use this method to verify the correctness of networked control systems using truck platooning as an exemplary use case.


  • Bio: Kay Römer is professor at and director of the Institute for Technical Informatics and head of the Field of Expertise “Information, Communication & Computing” at TU Graz. He obtained his doctorate in computer science from ETH Zurich in 2005 with a thesis on wireless sensor networks. As a senior researcher, he led the sensor network-related research activities of the Distributed Systems Group at ETH Zurich between 2005 and 2009. From 2009 to 2013 he held a professorship at University of Lübeck in Germany. Kay Römer is an internationally recognized expert on networked embedded systems, with research focus on wireless networking, fundamental services, dependability, and testbeds, and deployment methodology. He was the scientific coordinator of the EU project RELYonIT on dependable networking in the Internet of Things and of the TU Graz Research Excellence Center “Dependable Internet of Things”. He is currently a co-coordinator of the Doctoral Research Program “Dependable Electronic-Based